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Sylvac收购TESA(海克斯康)产品线 Sylvac收购TESA(海克斯康)产品线 SYLVACSAhasjusttakentheimportantdecisiontoexpanditscurrentproductlinebylaunchingnon-contactopticalmeasuringsolutions.Thisnewstrategywillbeeffectiveveryquickly,sinceSylvacSAacquired2divisionsbelongingtotheTESA(HEXAGON)group:TESA-SCANandTESA-VISIO.Frommid-June,theseproductswillbedeveloped,manufacturedandassembledintheSYLVACCrissier(Lausanne)factoryandsoldundertheSYLVACbrandfromJuly. SYLVAC公司刚刚作出了拓展产品线的重大决策:推出非接触式光学测量解决方案。自从Sylvac公司从TESA(海克斯康)集团收购2条产品线:TESA-SCAN和TESA-VISIO,这个决策有效且快速的补充了Sylvac公司的产品系列。 从六月中旬开始,TESA-SCAN和TESA-VISIO的开发,制造和组装将在SylvacCrissier(Lausanne)工厂,并且将于七月开始从Sylvac销售。 更多产品信息和资料,您可以从丹青公司获取。 更多产品信息和资料,您可以从丹青公司获取。
市场仅见!基于对瑞士制造品质的信心,Sylvac对S_Dial Work和S_Dial Pro系列数显表提供终身保修。这个令人难以 置信的保证!仅需要在购买后30天内,在我们的网站上注册您的仪器,您就可以享有了。 Sylvac质保产品系列: Sylvac S_Dial Work Sylvac S_Dial Pro
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1.采用整体设计 - 即使在高功率下也能实现小焦斑测量,因此可以进行高分辨率的快速测量2.X射线源结合了封闭式和开放式微焦点X射线管的优点3.停机时间和运营成本最小化4.与传统三坐标测量机一样,整个设备的维护周期仅为一年5.OnTheFly 断层扫描和实时重建可实现快速测量6.符合 VDI 2617 标准的校准可获得可靠且可追溯的测量结果,可选配 DAkkS 证书技术规格设计类型带计算机断层扫描传感器的 3D CNC 坐标测量机测量范围最大工件尺寸 D = 289 mm / L = 456 mm(取决于工件的纵横比)准确性允许的长度测量偏差高达 3.5 µm
Extol 现场三坐标与renishaw雷尼绍Equator™比对仪相比。现场三坐标忠实于Aberlink的创新传统,Extol是使用delta(数控加工机制)机制的三坐标测量机。 其专为坚固性和可靠性而打造的设计,使得Extol三坐标测量机无论是 在机床旁、制造车间或是专项精测间都能够全天候24小时运行。 五个温度传感器同时监控机器和环境温度,确保Extol 能够在不受控制 的环境中运行,并报告测量结果,就好像它们是在20℃.下进行的一 样。如果温度变化速度不利于合理的计量实践,软件即发出警报。 Extol 的自动工具补偿校准与Aberlink 3D软件的完美配合,使其能够被 运用在制造环境中的的全自动进程的一部分。Extol的人体工程学也是一个重要的设计因素。它不仅可以快速方便地 进行单次性检测,而且可以进行批量检测或便于自动装载。与前代Xtreme相比,Extol的测量体积更大,总占地面积更小,可以精确定位 在需要测量的位置。 Extol三坐标测量机稳健、准确、可靠,是自动验证关键部件零件质量的完美解决方案。•全密封循环轴承,在机床市场上得到验证,显著提高平滑度和抗灰尘能力。 •直接耦合的皮带传动系统消除了齿轮箱的需要和任何相关的齿隙问题。 •瑞士制造的直流电机和新的Deva运动控制系统提供了车间三坐标测量机检查所需的可靠性。 •光滑的皮带传动和线性轴承保障了长触针在使用时,不因振动而出现误触发。 •自动刀具补偿校正和自动化选项使得一体化能完全融入到全自动生成车间 。 •自动温度补偿允许Extol在不受控的环境中操作运行并确保报告的测量结果与在20°C下测量的结果一样。 •Extol采用应变仪技术,可支持TP200Bp它不显示大范围的特点,使其成为高精度应用的理想选择。此外,与TP20相比...
TRIMOS V9数显测高仪是高精度的测高仪,广泛的应用于计量室、车间现场。TRIMOS V9同V7一样,尽管这都是一台全新的测量仪器,但TRIMOS一直以来秉承着一个理念,仪器使用简单,用户短时间内就可完全掌握。TRIMOS为V9测高仪配备的触摸显示器拥有技术,简化了使用界面。并且极少数的功能键却满足了所有测量要求,从而为用户提供了一个简洁明了的操作界面。从侧面插入测头这一方式,为TRIMOS带来了非凡的影响。其具有极强的灵活性、坚固性、使用范围可达到惊人的400mm的传感器进行测量。V9测高仪配备了革命性的技术,采用手动与电动一体操作手轮。用户可以相互切换模式。  •测量范围400~1100mm•特殊的精度等级•电子测力调节•手动或者自动位移操作•2D模式、编程测量、数据统计•大量程附件•所有调整均无需工具•RS232和USB接口
LABC-Nano测长机采用与德国Heidenhain 合作定的良好精度新型光栅测量系统,光栅尺长350毫米。基座采用特种材料铸造,仪器稳定可靠,自动测量,速度快、精度好,可有减少除手动操作误差。计量室用于检定校准各种量检具如:量块、光面(螺纹)环塞规、光滑锥度环塞规、螺纹锥度环塞规、轴承内外滚道、花键量规、卡规、校准杆、尺类、表类。LABC-Nano全自动测长机主要特点:●测量范围 350 mm ●光栅尺长度 350 mm ●测量力 0 -12N 连续可调●头座移动(X)CNC全自动●工作台Y轴、Z轴 CNC全自动测量找拐点,可有效减少手动操作误差  能工作台承重60kg●Heidenhain高精度新型光栅测量系统●内置温补探头,实时补偿   LABC-NANO技术参数:(详细参数请拨打400-711 6391 / 010-80470808)型 号LABC-NANO350LABC-NANO600LABC-NANO1100测量范围(光栅尺长度)350 mm350mm350 mm应用范围0-350 mm0-600 mm0-1100 mm应用案例:
CETATEST 815型是一款全自动差压泄漏测试仪,用于检测生产过程周期时间内的未密 封部件。将由泄漏而引起的试验部分容积内的压力衰减与基准容积内的压力做比较(差 压法)。
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日期: 2016-10-09
浏览次数: 239

Aberlink Accuracy Assists Bloodhound SSC Land Speed Record Attempt

The targets for the advanced Bloodhound SSC project are a simple yet astonishing, to set a new land speed record and if possible to achieve an amazing 1000mph. To accomplish these incredible goals, the F.I.A procedures dictate that Bloodhound must complete two runs in opposite directions within one hour, with the average speed of the two runs regarded as the speed achieved. At 15 deg. Centigrade, typical of the temperatures experience while record breaking, the sonic velocity is 761.2 mph. If Bloodhound achieves its ambitious 1000mph target, the car will have exceeded speeds of 1.3 times the speed of sound.

Few, if any of the enduring world record attemptscapture the public's imagination in the way that the motorsport land speed record does. Even to the most casual observer, the combination of the most up to date technology and the bravery of a driver, triumphing over the fundamental elements of distance and time, seems to embody humankind's indomitable spirit and relentless pursuit of progress.

The tradition began as a battle between different types of propulsion. First electricity and then steam struggled for supremacy, after that came the era of the internal combustion engine. This was superseded by its much more powerful aeronautical counterpart, that too, was consigned to the pages of history by today's turbojet and rocket engines. It was this advanced technology that propelled, Thrust SSC, driven by Andy Green, to a remarkable 763.035 mph on October 15th 1997, resulting in Green becoming the first man to exceed the speed of sound at ground level. Andy Green remains the only man to have traveled at supersonic speed in a land based vehicle.

In the continuing, inspiring spirit of the tradition, the ambitious new target for the Bloodhound SSC is an amazing 1,000 mph, this objective represents an increase on the current mark of 31% To achieve this challenging goal, the project team have chosen a jet and hybrid rocket propulsion combination. The rocket will deliver the raw power required, without the drag that results from an air intake. Although, the disadvantage of the use of a rocket is that it is an on/off device. By using rocket power alone, the team would have great difficulty hitting and holding the selected Mach velocity that would allow the team's aerodynamicists to gain their important data. Also, at these extreme speeds, Mach numbers need to be raised in small, incremental steps. To accomplish the all important control over power, the impressive Eurojet EJ200 is used. Compared to its impressive power output, the advanced Typhoon engine is incredibly small and light, and by throttling the jet, full control over the output of the combination of rocket and jet is accomplished.


Located in the middle of the Bloodhound SSC is an 800 bhp, Formula 1 race engine which acts as an APU, delivering hydraulic power for starting the EJ200 and for pumping the High Test Peroxide (HTP) through to the Falcon rocket. As with all other aspects of the ambitious project, the numbers associated with this pumping system are extremely impressive, it is designed to move a ton of HTP through to the rocket catalyst in just 22 seconds, at a pressure of 1200 psi.

The shape of the Bloodhound SSC is completely different to any vehicle that has preceded it. The cross-sectional area is minimised to reduce drag, whilst it features a supersonic intake and a smart suspension system that will enable the car to run smoothly over rough salt surfaces. As the rocket is positioned above the EJ200, raising the centre of gravity, for stability the rear wheels are located on outrigged struts. Previously this configuration was seen as a huge aerodynamic disadvantage, although today, running computational fluid dynamics (CFD) with multi-million elements, the team are able to compute the drag of the wheels and struts at Mach 1.4 and optimise the shape to negate the affects of drag.

The radical, technical nature of the Bloodhound SSC project has been made possible by the undoubted expertise of the team's engineers, and the considerable assistance and cooperation of both UK academia and industry. The high-precision requirements of the venture means that an absolute engineering prerequisite is the ability to undertake extremely accurate measurements at each stage of development and manufacture. Having carefully considered the alternative technologies, an advanced Axiom too Coordinate Measuring Machine from Aberlink Innovative Metrology, was chosen as the high-precision workhorse of the project. Bloodhound SSC Engineer, Conor La Grue explained. 'Now in constant use, our Aberlink CMM has proven to be very easy to use. Following a short learning curve, each of our technicians are now able to undertake extremely complex measuring routines and achieve very accurate results extremely quickly. In addition to the machine's impressive hardware, Aberlink's software is proving to be both comprehensive in its scope and very easy to use, a common operation being inputting data and checking against models.'

'As the mechanical failure of any of the constituent parts of the Bloodhound SSC could have severe consequences, we carry out meticulous dimensional checks on all components, keeping painstaking records of all of our measured data. The Axiom too CMM is making a significant contribution to our precise measurement and data capture efforts, and to the overall progress of the Bloodhound SSC project.'

Land Speed Car:



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市场仅见!基于对瑞士制造品质的信心,Sylvac对S_Dial Work和S_Dial Pro系列数显表提供终身保修。这个令人难以 置信的保证!仅需要在购买后30天内,在我们的网站上注册您的仪器,您就可以享有了。 Sylvac质保产品系列: Sylvac S_Dial Work Sylvac S_Dial Pro
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